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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Import Users with CSVDE

In the previous two exercises, you created users one at a time. In this exercise, you will use a
comma-delimited text file to import two users.

1. Open Notepad and enter the following three lines. Each of the following bullets represents
one line of text. Do not include the bullets in the Notepad document.

❑ DN,objectClass,sAMAccountName,sn,givenName,userPrincipalName
❑ "cn=Lisa Andrews,ou=People,dc=contoso,dc=com",user,lisa.andrews,
❑ "cn=David Jones,ou=People,dc=contoso,dc=com",user,david.jones,

2. Save the file to your Documents folder with the name Newusers.txt.
3. Open a command prompt.
4. Type cd %userprofile%\Documents and press Enter.
5. Type csvde -i -f newusers.txt -k and press Enter.
The three users are imported. If you encounter any errors, examine the text file for typographical problems.

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