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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

PDFMaker is unavailable in a Microsoft Office application


The PDFMaker icon (Convert To Adobe PDF) and the Acrobat menu are missing from a Microsoft Office 2003, XP, or 2000 application (for example, Access, Excel, Word).


Do one or more of the following solutions:

Solution 1: Remove Adobe PDF from the Disabled Items list in the Microsoft Office application.

1. Open the Microsoft Office program (Word, Excel, Publisher, or Excel).

2. Go to Help > About [program name].

3. Click Disabled Items.

4. Select Adobe PDF from the list and click Enable.

5. Quit the Microsoft Office program and then restart it.

Note:Microsoft Office Applications disable add-ins as a failsafe if the application is prematurely closed (for example, system wasn't shut off properly or the application crashed).

Solution 2: Make sure PDFMaker components are installed.

1.Choose Start > Run, type appwiz.cpl in the Open text box, and then click OK to open the Add Or Remove Programs dialog box.

2. Locate and select Adobe Acrobat 7 and click Change/Remove.

3. When the Wizard appears, click Next.

4. Select Modify and click Next again.

5. Expand the Create Adobe PDF tree view, and then click on the down arrow on the Acrobat PDFMaker object.

6. Select "This feature will be installed on the local hard drive," click Next, and then click Update.

Solution 3: Enable the COM add-in filein the Office application.

1. Start the Office application.

2. Choose Help > About [application].

3. Click Disabled Items.

4. Check the list for PDFMakerOfficeAddin:

-- If it's listed, select it and click Enable. Close all dialog boxes and restart the Office application.

-- If it's not listed, make sure that PDFMOfficeAddin.dll is located in the Acrobat 7.0/PDFMaker/Office folder. If the file is missing, reinstall Acrobat.

Solution 4: Rename the file.

To prevent the formatting, autotext, and macros that are stored in the global template ( from affecting the behavior of Microsoft Word and other applications, rename your global template ( When you do so, you can quickly determine whether the global template is causing the issue.

Important: When you rename the template, you reset several options to the default settings, including custom styles, custom toolbars, macros, and AutoText entries. Therefore, Microsoft strongly recommends that you not delete your file.

Certain configurations may create more than one file. For example, this issue may occur if a computer runs more than one version of Word or if several workstation installations exist on the same computer.

To rename the file:

Note: The following steps are specific to Microsoft Word, but may also be used with slight modification for other Microsoft Office applications. Do not use the /a switch to restart Word or another application after you complete these steps.

On Windows 2000:

1. Quit all instances of Word, including Outlook if Word is your e-mail editor.

2. Select Start > Search > For Files Or Folders.

3. In the Search For Files Or Folders Named box, type:

4. In the Look In box, select your local hard disk.

5. Click Search Now to search for the file.

6. For each occurrence of the file that appears in the Search Results dialog box, do the following:

-- Right-click the file, and select Rename.

-- Give the file a new name (for example, or, and then press Enter.

7. On the File menu, click Close to quit the Search, and then restart Word.

On Windows XP:

1. Quit all instances of Word, including Outlook if Word is your e-mail editor.

2. Select Start > Search.

3. Under What Do You Want To Search For, select All Files And Folders.

4. In the All Or Part Of The File Name box, type:

5. In the Look In box, choose your local hard disk (or an alternative user template location if you are running Word from a network server).

6. Click Search.

7. For each occurrence of the file that appears in the Search Results dialog box, do the following:

-- Right-click the file, and select Rename.

-- Give the file a new name (for example, or, and then press Enter.

8. On the File menu, click Close, and then restart Word.

If you resolve the issue when you rename your global template, the issue is a damaged template.

Solution 5: Change the security level of macros in the Office application.

For the COM add-in file to load into Windows, either the Trusted Publishers tab must list Adobe Systems Inc. or the security settings must be changed.

In Office 2000, XP, or 2003 applications:

1. From the Tools menu, choose Macro > Security.

2. Click the Trusted Publishers tab:

-- If Adobe Systems, Inc. is listed, no changes are required.

-- If Adobe Systems, Inc. is not listed, proceed to step 3.

3. Choose one of the following settings:

-- In the Security tab, set the security level to Very High; in the Trusted Publishers tab, select Trust All Installed Add-ins And Templates.

-- In the Security tab, set the security level to High; in the Trusted Publishers tab, deselect Trust All Installed Add-ins And Templates.

4. Close all dialog boxes, and restart the application.

Solution 6: Addthe COM add-in file to the Windows registry.

1. In Windows Explorer, locate the COM add-in file (PDFMOfficeAddin.dll) and note the exact path, which may include spaces.

2. Choose Start > Run.

3. Type regsvr32 followed by a space, and then type the path that you noted in step 1, in quotation marks. For example:

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\PDFMaker\Office\pdfmofficeaddin.dll"

4. Click OK, and then start the Office application.

Solution 7: Run Detect And Repair while no other applications are running.

1. Quit all applications and restart Windows.

2. Start Acrobat.

3. Choose Help > Detect And Repair and follow the on-screen instructions.

4. After the repair is complete, restart your computer.

Solution 8: Remove and reinstall Acrobatin Simplified mode.

Device drivers and software that loads automatically with Windows (for example, screen savers and virus protection utilities) can conflict with the Acrobat installer and cause problems. To prevent conflict, reinstall Acrobat while Windows is in Simplified mode. In Simplified mode, nonstandard device drivers and startup software are disabled.

To remove Acrobat:

1. Move any personal files out of the Acrobat application folder and its subfolders.

2. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel, and double-click Add Or Remove Programs.

3. Select Adobe [Acrobat product], and click Remove. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove the application.

4. Restart the computer.

To reinstall Acrobat in Simplified Mode:

1. Quit open applications.

2. In Windows Explorer, move all icons and shortcuts from the following folders to another folder:

-- Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu/Programs/Startup

-- Documents and Settings/[user profile]/Start Menu/Programs/Startup

3. Restart Windows.

4. Right-click the taskbar and choose Task Manager.

5. Click the Applications tab.

6. Select all applications that are running and click End Task.

7. Double-click the Setup.exe file on your installation media and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

8. To re-enable the startup items when you're done installing, move the icons and shortcuts you moved in step 2 back to their respective Startup folders.

Solution 9: Remove macros from Word.

1. Choose Tools >Templates And Add-ins.

2. Select each item, and click Remove.

3. Quit and restart Word.

Note: If the Convert To PDF icon is still missing, choose Tools >Templates And Add-ins and make sure the removed items don't appear. If removed items do appear, remove the macro from Word or remove the application that installed the macro into Word.

Solution 10: Remove other COM add-in filesfrom Word.

1. Start Word.

2. Choose Tools > Customize.

3. Click the Commands tab and select Tools in the Categories list.

4. Select COM Add-ins and drag it to the toolbar in Word.

5. Click the COM Add-ins menu on the Word toolbar.

6. Select and remove all add-ins except the Web Page Wizard and the Microsoft Word Fonts Tool.

7. Quit and restart Word.

Solution 11: Repair Access.(Access only)

If you installed Access 2000 after you installed Office XP or Office 2003, you must perform a Repair of Office for the PDFMaker menu to appear.

1. Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs (Windows 2000) or Start > Control Panel > Add Or Remove Programs (Windows XP).

2. Select Microsoft Office, and click Change.

3. In the Setup dialog box, choose Reinstall (Office 2003) or Repair (Office XP), and then click Next.

4. Choose Detect And Repair Errors In My Office Installation, and then click Install.

Solution 12: Customize the Toolbar options. (Access only)

1. Select View > Toolbars > Customize.

2. In the Toolbars tab, select the Utility 1 and Menu Bar options.

3. Click Properties.

4. Select Allow Showing/Hiding.

Solution 13: Remove previous-version PDFMaker files from the system.

1. Select Start > Search.

2. Select All Files and Folders.

3. In text box labeled "All or part of the file name:" type PDFMaker.*

4. Click Search.

Note: This search may take several minutes depending on the speed of your system.

5. Delete all results that are system files (for example, PDFMaker.DOT or PDFMaker.XLA). You do not need to delete documents that you created and named PDFMaker (for example, PDFMaker.doc or PDFMaker.pdf).

Solution 14: Remove Microsoft Works.

Adobe has verified that Microsoft Works conflicts with Microsoft Word and will prevent the Convert to Adobe PDF menu from appearing in Word. Microsoft Works is pre-installed on many computers.

To remove Microsoft Works:

1. Choose Start > Run, type appwiz.cpl in the Open text box, and then click OK to open the Add Or Remove Programs dialog box.

2. Locate and select Microsoft Works, and click Change/Remove.

3. When the Wizard appears, click Next.

4. Select Remove, click Next, and follow the remaining on-screen prompts.

Background information

Acrobat 7.0 installs a COM add-in file to the Acrobat 7.0/PDFMaker/Office folder. This file provides PDFMaker icons and menu commands for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher and Project. The COM add-in file must be checked into the Windows registry before it appears in applications.

PDFMaker icons don't appear in the toolbar if an Office application crashes and disables the COM add-in file.

Other COM add-in files and macros may conflict with the COM add-in file for PDFMaker and may prevent the Convert To PDF icons from appearing in the toolbar.

In Access, if the Utility1 Toolbar isn't enabled for viewing, PDFMaker icons won't appear.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

limited or no connectivity on wireless AND LAN

TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Windows XP with SP2.

Start, Run, CMD to open a command prompt.

Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog

Reset TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ip reset reset.log

Reboot the machine.

Monday, March 10, 2008



当U盘/移动硬盘被系统正常识别后,请不要随意使用“双击”方式打开U盘/移动硬盘,这样将导致被感染的U盘/移动硬盘上的病毒发作。应该用鼠标右键点击 U盘/移动硬盘的图标,在弹出的菜单中检查是否有名称为“Auto”的菜单项,如果有,说明该移动设备已经被感染该病毒,可以使用本站以前介绍的方法予以 清除。


1. 建立名为autorun.inf的空文件

sxs.exe、 rose.exe一类的U盘病毒传给没带毒电脑时,主要通过电脑使用者没注意,双击了U盘的盘符打开U盘而传染,因为病毒在U盘上建立了两个文件,一个是 病毒文件sxs.exe或rose.exe,另一个是autorun.inf,当双击了U盘的盘符打开U盘时,执行autorun.inf,而 autorun.inf指向病毒文件sxs.exe或rose.exe。我们可以在U盘上建一个名为autorun.inf的空文件(在U盘空白处点“右 键/新建/文本文档”,命名为 autorun.inf 即可。提醒一下,建立该文件前应打开“我的电脑”,执行“工具/文件夹选项/查看”操作,将“隐 藏已知文件类型的扩展名”一项前面的勾去掉,这样操作后再建立autorun.inf时,系统会提醒是否更改文件扩展名类型,选择是即可,如果建立成功, 文件的图标应该是会发生变化的。如果仍是文档类型的图标,说明你没有建立成功,它仍是一个文本文档,它的全名是autorun.inf.txt,只不过 txt扩展名被系统隐藏了。如果在图形界面上无法建立,就在字符界面输入:MD U盘盘符:\autorun.inf)。

当我 们用这样的U盘在带毒机上使用时,病毒文件虽然入了U盘,但无法在U盘上建立autorun.inf文件,这样在自己的电脑上使用U盘时就不会因按习惯双 击了U盘盘符去打开U盘而感染这两个病毒,可以说是给U盘打了防疫针。我们也可以将该文件拷到各个本地硬盘根目录下,这样给本地硬盘也打了防疫针。


① 点击“开始”选择“运行”,键入“gpedit.msc”,并运行,打开“组策略”窗口;
② 在左栏的“本地计算机策略”下,打开“计算机配置_管理模板_系统”,然后在右栏的“设置”标题下,双击“关闭自动播放”;
③ 选择“设置”选项卡,勾取“已启用”复选钮,然后在“关闭自动播放”框中选择“所有驱动器”,单击“确定”按钮,退出“组策略”窗口。


下面介绍一种可以永久杜绝U盘病毒自动传播的方法 :

首先,说明U盘病毒传播的原理:在U盘根目录下建立一个AUTORUN.INF文件。系统在插入U盘的时候会根据这个AUTORUN.INF文件在注册表 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2] 下建立一个u盘的关联项,使双击打开指定的程序(如病毒程序)。因此只需禁止在此注册表位置创建子项即可(本人用的是修改权限法)。

1. 点开始->运行 输入 regedit.exe 回车
2. 打开注册表编辑器后展开项[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2]
3. 右键点MountPoints2 选择权限
4. 依次点击“安全中的用户和组”,在下面的权限中都改成拒绝
5. 刷新一遍,此后即使U盘有病毒也不会激活,双击U盘会正常进入U盘



1. 打开压缩包下的“Windows XP Keygen.exe”,用于生成一个WINXP正版序列号,打开程序,在Product Family下,下拉 菜单并选择“WIndows XP Pro. VLK”,然后点击生成。这样你就可以在下面的方框中得到一个序列号,按多次可生成多个。复制你选中的序列 号。
2.打开压缩包中的“keyfinder.exe”,该工具可用于查看并更改你本机的windows序列号,点击 "Microsoft Windows",然后选择Options菜单,选中"change Windows Key",在框中输入你刚刚生成的序列号。 然后点击"Change",之后会弹出一个窗口!
4.打开“MGADiag.exe”(Microsoft Genuine Validtaion Diiagnostic Tool),选择Continue,该工具会进行一些验证,不要担心显示红色的部分。之后点击OK就是了!然后重新启动。
适用范围:盗版Windows XP , Windows 2003


前段时间 我在网上经常看到有人问他的WIN PLAY升到11后就必须



不用着急 下面的方法就可以让你的D版XP轻松通过微软的认证



if Wscrīpt.arguments.count<1 then
VOL_PROD_KEY =InputBox("Powered By"&vbCr&vbCr&" 本程序将自动替换你当 前 Windows 的序列号,通过微软验证完全正版。"&vbCr&vbCr&"序列号(OEM版无效,默认版本为 XP VLK):","Windows XP序列号自动更换器","MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBY")
if VOL_PROD_KEY="" then
end if
VOL_PROD_KEY = Wscrīpt.arguments.Item(0)
end if

VOL_PROD_KEY = Replace(VOL_PROD_KEY,"-","") 'remove hyphens if any

for each Obj in GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}").InstancesOf ("win32_WindowsProductActivation")

result = Obj.SetProductKey (VOL_PROD_KEY)

if err = 0 then
Wscrīpt.echo "OK!去微软验证吧!"
end if

if err <> 0 then
Wscrīpt.echo "替换失败!输入的 CD-KEY 与当前的版本不匹配。"
end if



你先把上面的英文全部复制后(就是从ON ERROR RESUME NEXT 开始到Next全部复制)
然后你到随便哪个盘里鼠标右键新建一个 文本文档 打开文本文档后 然后把上面那些英文粘贴上去
然后点文件……保存……另存为 这时候一定要注意 要把文件名改为key.vbs 然后保存就可以了
接着找到你刚才保存的文件 双击它 然后点确定 就可以了

最后大家保存的时候一定要把文件名称改为key.vbs 然后双击运行 搞定

Sunday, March 9, 2008



  2、如何自行配置Windows XP的服务

   如果你是在单机使用Windows XP,那么很多服务组件是根本不需要的,额外的服务程序影响了系统的速度,完全可将这些多余的服务组件禁用。单击“开始→控制面板→管理工具→服务”,弹 出服务列表窗口,有些服务已经启动,有些则没有。我们可查看相应的服务项目描述,对不需要的服务予以关闭。如“Alerter”,如果你未连上局域网且不 需要管理警报,则可将其关闭。

  现象:在许多有关Windows XP安装的介绍文章中都提到:“如果在DOS下安装Windows XP非常慢,肯定是安装前未运行Smartdrv.exe。我想问这个Smartdrv.exe文件有什么饔?具体如何使用?
   Smartdrv.exe这个文件对于熟悉DOS的朋友肯定很清楚,主要作用是为磁盘文件读写增加高速缓存。大家知道内存的读写速度比磁盘高得多,如果 将内存作为磁盘读写的高速缓存可以有效提高系统运行效率。Smartdrv.exe这个文件在Windows各个版本的安装光盘中或是硬盘上的 Windows/command/里都有,只有几十KB,把这个文件复制到软盘下,启动系统后直接运行这个程序(可以不加参数,该程序会自动根据内存大小 分配适当的内存空间作为高速缓存),再安装Windows XP即可。另外提醒大家,这个程序在安装完Windows后,不要运行,否则Windows可用内存将减少。

   现象:我刚装了Windows XP,可是接下去再装毒霸就发现病毒,位于F:\WINNT\ SYSTEM32里的Win32k.sys文件,删又不可删,隔离又不行,在Windows 98下或DOS下删就会导致Windows XP不可启动,请问该文件是干什么用的,有什么方法解决?
  这个文件是Windows XP多用户管理的驱动文件。在X:\Windows\System32\Dllcache目录下有此文件的备份。只要将此备份拷到X:\Windows\ System32下替代带病毒的文件即可。做一张Windows 98启动盘,并将Attrib.exe文件拷入软盘,此文件在装有Windows 98的机器上的X:\Windows\Command目录下。在BIOS的Advanced BIOS Features 中将启动顺序调整为从A盘启动,进入DOS后,进入X:\Windows\System32目录,输入Attrib -s -h -r win32k.sys,再进入X:\Windows\System32\dllcache目录下输入同样命令,再用copy win32k.sys X:\windows\System32覆盖原文件,再重新启动即可。
  5、Windows XP的开机菜单有什么含义

  现象:最近我安装了Windows XP操作系统,我知道在启动时按F8键或当计算机不能正常启动时,就会进入Windows XP启动的高级选项菜单,在这里可以选择除正常启动外的8种不同的模式启动Windows XP。请问这些模式分别代表什么意思?
  (1)安全模式:选用安全模式启动Windows XP时,系统只使用一些最基本的文件和驱动程序启动。进入安全模式是诊断故障的一个重要步骤。如果安全模式启动后无法确定问题,或者根本无法启动安全模式,那你就可能需要使用紧急修复磁盘ERD的功能修复系统了。
  (2)网络安全模式:和安全模式类似,但是增加了对网络连接的支持。在局域网环境中解决Windows XP的启动故障,此选项很有用。
  (3)命令提示符的安全模式:也和安全模式类似,只使用基本的文件和驱动程序启动Windows XP。但登录后屏幕出现命令提示符,而不是Windows桌面。
  (4)启用启动日志:启动Windows XP,同时将由系统加载的所有驱动程序和服务记录到文件中。文件名为ntbtlog.txt,位于Windir目录中。该日志对确定系统启动问题的准确原因很有用。
   (5)启用VGA模式:使用基本VGA驱动程序启动Windows XP。当安装了使Windows XP不能正常启动的新显卡驱动程序,或由于刷新频率设置不当造成故障时,这种模式十分有用。当在安全模式下启动Windows XP时,只使用最基本的显卡驱动程序。
  (6)最近一次的正确配置:选择“使用‘最后一次正确的配置?启动Windows XP”是解决诸如新添加的驱动程序与硬件不相符之类问题的一种方法。用这种方式启动,Windows XP只恢复注册表项HklmSystemCurrentControlSet下的信息。任何在其他注册表项中所做的更改均保持不变。
  (7)目录服务恢复模式:不适用于Windows XP Professional。这是针对Windows XP Server操作系统的,并只用于还原域控制器上的Sysvol目录和Active Directory目录服务。
  (8)调试模式:启动Windows XP,同时将调试信息通过串行电缆发送到其他计算机。如果正在或已经使用远程安装服务在你的计算机上安装Windows XP,可以看到与使用远程安装服务恢复系统相关的附加选项。

   现象:我装了Windows Me和Windows XP双系统,都是FAT32格式。C盘装Windows Me,E盘装Windows XP。昨天,Windows XP系统丢失了SYSTEM32.DLL,启动不了。于是我在进入Windows Me系统内,在E盘直接删除Windows XP。但是,每次开机都出现多系统启动菜单,供选择。我该怎样才可以彻底删除XP?
  用一张Windows 9x/Me的启动盘启动,在“A:”下输入“SYS C:”,给C盘重新传系统即可。
  7、如何处理Windows XP不能自动关机现象
  现象:我的Windows XP有时候不能自动关闭电脑,请问应该怎么办?
   安装完Windows XP之后,有些计算机在单击关闭电脑之后并不能自动关闭,而需像以前的AT电源一样手动关闭。这主要是Windows XP未启用高级电源管理。修正方法:单击“开始→控制面板→性能和维护→电源选项”,在弹出的电源选项属性设置窗口中,单击“高级电源管理”并勾选“启用 高级电源管理支持”。
   因有急事而需要离开,但又不希望电脑进行系统注销,该怎么办?你完全可以通过双击桌面快捷方式来迅速锁定键盘和显示器,且无需使用“Ctrl+Alt+ Del”组合键或屏幕保护程序。操作方法:在桌面上单击鼠标右键,在随后出现的快捷菜单上指向“新建”,并选择“快捷方式”。接着,系统便会启动创建快捷 方式向导。请在文本框中输入下列信息:rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation,单击“下一步”。输入快捷方式名称。你可将其命名为“锁定工作站”或选用你所喜欢的任何名称,单击“完成”。你还可对快 捷方式图标进行修改(我最喜欢的一个是由Shell32.dll所提供的挂锁图标)。如需修改快捷方式图标,请执行下列操作步骤:右键单击“快捷方式”, 并在随后出现的快捷菜单上选择“属性”。选择“快捷方式”选项卡,接着,单击“更改图标”按钮。在以下文件中查找图标文本框中,输入 Shell32.dll,单击“确定”。从列表中选择所需图标,并单击“确定”。你还可为快捷方式指定一组快捷键,比如“Ctrl+Alt+L”。这种做 法虽然只能帮助你节省一次击键,但却可使操作变得更加灵便。如需添加快捷键组合,请执行下列操作步骤:右键单击“快捷方式”,并在随后出现的快捷菜单上选 择“属性”。选择“快捷方式”选项卡,在快捷键文本框中,输入任何键值,而Windows XP则会将其转换成快捷键组合(一般应采取Ctrl+Alt+任意键的形式)。如欲锁定键盘和显示器,只需双击相关快捷方式或使用所定义的快捷键即可。

  在桌面空白处单击鼠标右键,在打开的“显示 属性”对话框中选择“设置”选项卡,通过“颜色质量”下拉列表你可以调整计算机的颜色质量。你也可以通过编辑注册表来调整桌面图标的颜色质量,具体操作步骤:
   打开注册表编辑器,进入HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics子键分支,双击Shell Icon BPP键值项,在打开的“编辑字符串”对话框中,“数值数据”文本框内显示了桌面图标的颜色参数,系统默认的图标颜色参数为16。这里提供的可用颜色参数 包括 :4表示16种颜色,8表示256种颜色,16表示65536种颜色,24表示1600万种颜色,32表示True Color(真彩色)。你可以根据自己的不需要选择和设置你的桌面图标颜色参数。单击“确定”关闭“编辑字符串”对话框。注销当前用户并重新启动计算机后 设置就生效。
   不过,用这种方式设置图标大小有一定局限性,比如,用户只能选择系统已经提供的桌面大小方案,不能自己任意设置桌面图标的大小。如果你想随心所欲地对桌 面图标大小进行调整,可以通过编辑注册表来达到目的。具体操作步骤是: 打开注册表编辑器,进入HKEY_CURRENT_ USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics子键分支,双击Shell Icon Size键值项,在打开的“编辑字符串”对话框中,“数值数据”文本框内显示了桌面图标的大小参数,系统默认29,用户可以根据自己的需要设置参数大小 (参数越大,桌面图标也越大),然后单击“确定”关闭“编辑字符串”对话框。当你注销当前用户并重新启动计算机后设置就生效。

  系统声音的选择与设置就是为系统中的事件设置声音,当事件被激活时系统会根据用户的设置自动发出声音提示用户。 选择系统声音的操作步骤如下:
   (2)在“声音”选项卡中,“程序事件”列表框中显示了当前Windows XP中的所有声音事件。如果在声音事件的前面有一个“小喇叭”的标志,表示该声音事件有一个声音提示。要设置声音事件的声音提示,则在“程序事件”列表框 中选择声音事件,然后从“声音”下拉列表中选择需要的声音文件作为声音提示。
  (4)在Windows XP中,系统预置了多种声音方案供用户选择。用户可以从“声音方案”下拉表中选择一个方案,以便给声音事件选择声音。
   (5)如果用户要自己设置配音方案,可以在“程序事件”列表框中选择需要的声音文件并配置声音,单击“声音方案”选项组中的“另存为”按钮,打开“将方 案存为”对话框。在“将此配音方案存为”文本框中输入声音文件的名称后,单击“确定”按钮即可。如果用户对自己设置的配音方案不满意,可以在“声音方案” 选项组中,选定该方案,然后单击“删除”按钮,删除该方案。

   许多程序在安装过程中都要求你具备管理权限。这里介绍了一种以普通用户身份登录的情况下,临时为自己分配管理权限的简单方法。在右键单击程序安装文件的 同时按住“Shift”键。在随后出现的快捷菜单中单击“运行方式”,输入具有相应管理权限的用户名和密码。这种方式对于开始菜单上的应用程序同样适用。
  12、如何关闭Windows XP的自动播放功能

   一旦你将多媒体光盘插入驱动器,自动运行就会从驱动器中读取数据,这会造成程序的设置文件和在音频媒体上的音乐立即开始。你可以用下面这个办法关闭这个 功能:打开“开始→运行”,在对话框中输入“gpedit.msc”命令,在出现“组策略”窗口中依次选择“在计算机配置→管理模板→系统”,双击“关闭 自动播放”,在“设置”选项卡中选“已启用”选项,最后单击“确定”按钮即可(图1-32)。

  现象:我只安装了Windows XP系统,但在开机时显示“BOOT.INI非法,正从C:\WINDOWS\启动”,然后就进入了启动状态,并且也能照样工作,请问这是怎么一回事,能否在不重装系统的情况下使系统恢复到正常启动状态?
  [Boot Loader]
  [Operating Systems]
  C:\=“Microsoft Windows xp”

  现象:本人使用Windows XP中文版,不慎使任务栏隐藏了输入法图标,请问该如何恢复输入法图标。
   打开“控制面板”,双击“区域和语言选项”图标,进入“区域和语言选项”对话框,选择“语言”选项卡,单击“详细信息”按钮,在弹出的对话框中单击“语 言栏”按钮,在接着出现的“语言栏设置”对话框中勾选“在桌面上显示语言栏”选项。这时候桌面会出现语言栏,单击右上角的最小化按钮,输入法图标就回到任 务栏中去了。

   现象:我第一次装Windows XP时,重启后没有任何问题。但是由于误操作,删掉了C盘目录下的一个文件(文件名是:boot.ini),然后再重启时每次都显示两行字: “boot.ini是非法的。现在正从C:/Windows/下启动”。然后可以顺利进入Windows XP。但是速度明显慢了,比没删这个文件时慢了很多,而且,每次都要看见那两行字。请问如何修复?
  [boot loader]
  default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) \Windows
  [operating systems]
  multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\Windows=“Microsoft Windows XP Professional” /fastdetect
  16、如何加快Windows XP窗口显示速度

   我们可以通过修改注册表来改变窗口从任务栏弹出,以及最小化回归任务栏的动作,步骤如下:打开注册表编辑器,找到HKEY_ CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ WindowMetrics子键分支,在右边的窗口中找到MinAnimate键值,其类型为REG_SZ,默认情况下此健值的值为1,表示打开窗口显示 的动画,把它改为0,则禁止动画的显示,接下来从开始菜单中选择“注销”命令,激活刚才所作的修改即可。
  17、如何解决Windows XP关机出现英文提示

   现象:我的Windows XP关机时会出现一个进度条,并提示“To return to windows and check the status of the program click cancel if you choose to end the program immediately you will lose any unsaved data.
To end the program now click end.”然后就正常关机,但有时却不出现,我想会不会与我的东方影都3的记忆播放有关,但关闭记忆播放功能也无效,请问如何办?
   这是因为你关闭Windows XP时还有程序在运行,请在关机之前保存并关闭一切应用程序。如果直接单击“End”按钮,那么未保存的任务会丢失,这时可以按“Ctrl+Alt+ Del”打开任务管理器,然后关闭应用程序。如果在任务管理器列表中为空,那么就在“系统进程”中将它关闭。如果不进行任何操作,那么系统将在进度条到头 时自动关闭未关闭的程序并关闭系统。请你在关机之前关闭一切应用程序、系统驻留程序就不会出现这个提示了。当你确定没有任何需要保存的任务时,可以不必理 会此对话框。

   通常很多用户还是习惯于在桌面上保留“我的文档”及其他经常访问文件夹快捷方式以及经常使用的程序快捷方式。如果你想在桌面上显示“我的电脑”、“我的 文档”、“网上邻居”、IE浏览器的快捷方式图标,只需进行如下操作 :在桌面单击鼠标右键,在右键菜单中选择“属性”命令,在打开的“显示 属性”对话框中选择“桌面”选项卡,单击“自定义桌面”按钮,打开“桌面”项目对话框。在“常规”选项卡的“桌面图标”栏中选择所需项目的复选框,然后单 击“确定”返回上一级对话框,再单击“应用”按钮即可。

  19、如何删除Windows XP的“更新”选项

   对于大多数的用户来说,Windows XP的Windows Update功能似乎作用不大,我们可以去掉它,操作步骤如下:打开注册表编辑器,找到HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer子键分支,选择“编辑”菜单下的“新建”命令, 新建一个类型为REG_DWord的值,名称为NoCommonGroups,双击新建的NoCommon Groups子键,在“编辑字符串”文本框中输入键值“1”,然后单击“确定”按钮并重新启动系统即可。


   打开“控制面板”,双击“声音及音频设备”图标,在“声音及音频设备 属性”对话框中,选择“音频”选项卡,在该选项卡中,你可以看到与“声音播放”、“录音”和“MIDI音乐播放”有关的默认设备。当你的计算机上安装有多 个音频设备时,就可以在这里选择应用的默认设备,并且还可以调节其音量及进行高级设置。
   (4)用户如果想选择扬声器或设置系统的播放性能,可以单击“声音播放”选项组中的“高级”按钮,打开 “高级音频属性”对话框,在“扬声器”和“性能”选项卡可以分别为自己的多媒体系统设定最接近你的硬件配置的扬声器模式及调节音频播放的硬件加速功能和采 样率转换质量。
  (5)在“录音”选项组中,可以从“默认设备”下拉列表中选择录音默认设备。单击“音量”按钮,打开 “录音控制”对话窗口。用户可以在该窗口中改变录音左右声道的平衡状态以及录音的音量大小。
  (6)在“MIDI音乐播放”选项组中,从“默认设备”下拉列表中选择 MIDI音乐播放默认设备。单击“音量”按钮,打开“音量控制”窗口调整音量大小。

  用户在进行语声的输入和输出之前,应对语声属性进行设置。在“声音和音频设备 属性”对话框中,选择“语声”选项卡,在该选项卡中,用户不但可以为“声音播放”和“录音”选择默认设备,而且还可调节音量大小及进行语声测试。
  (3)单击“测试硬件”按钮,打开 “声音硬件测试向导”对话框,该向导测试选定的声音硬件是否可以同时播放声音和注册语声。注释:要确保测试的准确性,在测试之前必须关闭使用麦克风的所有程序,如语声听写或语声通信程序。

  现象:请问如何用手动方式使Windows XP的计算机进入休眠状态?
   休眠功能是Windows XP提供的一项非常酷的特性,它“隐藏”在Shut Down(关机)对话框中。如果你的计算机支持休眠功能,那么借助以下技巧,可通过手动方式使其进入休眠状态。 如需以手动方式使你的计算机进入休眠状态,请执行以下操作步骤: 选择“开始→关闭计算机”,在关闭Windows对话框中,选择“休眠”。当你的计算机进入休眠状态后,内存中的内容将保存到硬盘上。当你将计算机唤醒 时,进入休眠状态前打开的所有程序与文档都将恢复到桌面上。如需在你的计算机上激活休眠支持特性,请执行以下操作步骤:你必须以管理员、 Administrators或Power Users组成员的身份登录。如果你的计算机与某个网络建立了连接,那么网络策略设置可能会导致这一操作过程无法实现。单击“开始→控制面板→性能和维护 →电源选项”,选择“休眠”选项卡,选中“启用休眠”,单击“确定”关闭电源选项对话框。如果休眠选项卡不可用,则说明你的硬件设备无法支持该特性。
  23、如何提高Windows XP的启动速度

   使用微软提供的“Bootvis”软件可以有效地提高Windows XP的启动速度。这个工具是微软内部提供的,专门用于提升Windows XP启动速度。下载解压缩到一个文件夹下,并在“Options”选项中设置使用当前路径。之后从“Trace”选项下拉菜单中选择跟踪方式。该程序会引 导Windows XP重新启动,并记录启动进程,生成相关的BIN文件。之后从Bootvis中调用这个文件,从Trace项下拉菜单中选择“Op- timizesystem”命令即可。
  Windows XP虽然提供了一个非常好的界面外观,但这样的设置也在极大程度上影响了系统的运行速度。如果你的电脑运行起来速度不是很快,建议将所有的附加桌面设置取消,也就是将Windows XP的桌面恢复到Windows 2000样式。
  此外,一个对Windows XP影响重大的硬件就是内存。使用256MB内存运行Windows XP会比较流畅,512MB的内存可以让系统运行得很好。如果条件允许,最好增大内存。
  24、如何为Windows XP减肥

  Windows XP比以往的任何Windows系统都要庞大,其硬盘空间需求1.5GB。虽然相对于能跑Windows XP的主流电脑来说,一般都拥有10GB以上的硬盘,但一些电脑发烧友有时还是乐于减少Windows XP的体积。
  (1)删除驱动备份 :Windows\Driver cache\i386目录下的Driver.cab文件(73MB) 。
  (2)删除Help文档(减掉40多MB) 。
  (3)删除Windows\Ime下不用的输入法(日文、韩文、约80MB) 。
  (4)把我的文件、IE的临时文件夹转到其他硬盘(分区) 。
  25、如何卸载Windows XP

   现象:我原来使用的操作系统是Windows 98,最近听说Windows XP非常好,就安装了该系统。第一次安装是从Windows 98中安装,装完后觉得不太好,就格式化Windows XP的分区后重新从DOS安装到D盘,安装完后发现多重启动菜单有三项(第一次装的Windows XP那一项还在),请问如何删除多余的一项?另外,如果我要删除Windows XP,除了格式化D盘外,怎样才能将它彻底删除?
   Windows 98和Windows XP双系统的启动菜单是由C盘根目录下的一个文件来控制的,通过修改该文件可以更改启动菜单。要想删除多余的Windows XP项目,你可以打开C盘根目录下的boot.ini文件,其中有两行重复的“multi(0)…”,删除其中一行即可。要想彻底删除Windows XP,除了格式化它所在分区之外,你还必须按下面的方法删除多重启动菜单和多余的系统文件:
  (1)制作一张Windows 98启动盘,并将Windows 98下的sys.com文件拷入该系统盘。
  (2)用该启动盘启动,在A:>下执行sys C:命令。

  在Windows XP中增加了隐藏桌面图标的功能,你只需用鼠标单击桌面空白处,在弹出的右键菜单中选定“排列图标”命令,然后在其下一级级联菜单中取消对“显示桌面图标”命令的选定,系统就会自动将所有桌面图标隐藏。
  如果桌面上图标数量较多,可以用以下方法重新排列图标 :在桌面空白区域单击鼠标右键,在弹出菜单中选择“排列图标”,然后在下一级菜单中单击图标排列规则即可。
   利用Windows XP的“桌面清理”功能,可将你桌面上不使用的图标清理掉。方法是:在上面的“桌面”项目对话框的“常规”选项卡中,如果你选中“每60天运行桌面清理向 导”复选框,系统就会每60天自动运行一次桌面清理向导,帮你清理掉桌面上不使用的图标。如果你单击“现在清理桌面”按钮,则系统会立即打开桌面清理向 导,将你不使用的快捷方式图标移到一个名为“未使用的桌面快捷方式”的桌面文件夹中。该向导不移动、更改和删除任何程序,如果你想将某个图标重新移回桌 面,可以从“未使用的桌面快捷方式”的桌面文件夹中将其还原。
  27、如何在Windows XP中进行繁体字输入


  现象:我的电脑装的是Windows XP,在上网时系统托盘内的两台电脑相连的小图标不见了,使我经常不知道是否在线。请问应如何将它恢复?
   小图标不见了的原因在于网络连接的属性设置不对。在Windows 98中拨号连接上互联网后,该连接的小图标将自动显示在任务栏上。如果小图标不见了,可右击“我的连接”,选择“属性→设置→选项”,选中“显示调制解调 器状态”即可恢复。在Windows 2000和Windows XP中,用户可以控制和设置连接图标的显示和隐藏功能。具体的方法是打开拨号连接或者网络连接的“属性”对话框,然后选中或者清除“连接后在通知区域显示 图标”复选框,就可以实现该图标的显示或隐藏了。

  现象:我在Windows XP下未找到制作紧急修复磁盘的界面,请问如何制作?另外我的Windows 98每次启动时都提示输入用户名与密码,请问如何消除?
   Windows XP的紧急修复磁盘准确的名称应该是“自动系统恢复(ASR) 软盘”,它可以备份那些启动系统所需的系统文件。制作方法是:单击“开始→所有程序→附件→系统工具”,然后单击“备份”,单击备份工具向导中的“高级模 式”按钮。在“工具”菜单上,单击“ASR 向导”;然后按照屏幕上的提示进行操作即可(注意 :事先应准备好保存系统设置的1.44MB的空软盘)。使用方法也很简单:将Windows XP系统的安装光盘插入CD驱动器中,重新启动计算机。在出现安装界面时,按F2,系统将提示你插入以前创建的ASR软盘(ASR不会还原数据文件)。请 按照屏幕上的向导进行操作即可自动恢复系统。另外,即使没有 “自动系统恢复(ASR) 软盘”,也可以使用“修复”功能恢复Windows XP系统引导菜单,只是某些个人的特殊设置会被恢复成默认设置,使用“自动系统恢复(ASR) 软盘”则不会。
   Windows 98每次启动时都提示输入用户名与密码,可以按“Esc”键进入Windows 98桌面,这时可以将Windows目录下的密码文件*.pwl删除。例如用户名为“qq”,相应的密码文件就是“qq.pwl”,找到它并删除它,然后 重新启动电脑,在出现登录窗口时输入原来的用户名“qq”,密码不填,这样就可以消除了。

   在Windows XP操作系统中,这个设置可以使Windows XP当诊测到某个应用程序已经停止响应时可以自动关闭它,而不需要进行麻烦的手工干预。想要实现这个功能,就请单击“开始→运行”输入“Regedit” 打开注册表编辑器,找到HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop分支,将Auto End Tasks的键值设置为1即可。
  31、为何不能安装Windows XP

   现象:我用Windows 98启动盘启动计算机并安装Windows XP,整整花了6个小时才完成,听朋友说他在一台配置和我一样的机器上只花了1个小时的时间就完成了Windows XP的安装(也是用Windows 98启动盘启动),请问Windows XP正确的安装方法是怎样的?
   这是因为你没有加载磁盘高速缓存的缘故。此文件在Windows 98的安装目录下,名为smartdrv.exe,将其拷入软盘,安装之前运行一下就可以了。另外你可以将启动顺序设为从光盘启动,这样Windows XP的安装盘会自动加载磁盘高速缓存。
  32、为何不能在Windows XP下安装软件

   现象:我在一台安装有Windows XP 家庭版的微机上安装软件时出现“You do not have access to make the requried system configuration modifications. Please return this installation from an administrators account.”。请问这是为什么?这种软件在Windows 98下可正常安装。请问如何解决?
  Windows XP为了保护系统的安全和稳定,使用了用户账户和密码保护的方式来控制用户的操作。即只有指定的人才能干指定的事情。安装软件等修改系统的操作需要用户拥 有该计算机管理员的权力才能执行,这就是你为什么不能安装软件的原因,相信还有很多操作你都执行不了。
  现象:在Windows XP中只要一更改硬件配置,系统就启动不了,如何解决?
   这是因为Windows XP中使用了激活产品程序,激活产品程序是微软在Windows XP中最新加入的防盗版功能。由于激活产品程序会根据你的电脑硬件配置生成一个硬件号,因此如果你改变了改硬件配置,激活产品程序就会发现硬件配置与之不 符,这时系统就会停止运行并要求你重新激活产品才可以重新运行。
  34、为什么Windows XP磁盘可用空间不断减少

  现象:我使用Windows XP时发现,随着不断地增加、删除应用程序,磁盘可用空间不断减少,这是为什么?
   从Windows 2000开始,Windows会在每个硬盘分区中建立一个“System Volume Infor-mation”文件夹,在该文件夹中提供的是系统默认保存的系统还原备份文件。不过Windows 2000还没有正式提供系统还原功能,在Windows XP中,你可以看到相关的选项。
  35、为什么Windows XP所占空间很大
  现象:安装了Windows XP后,使用一段时间发现经常登陆的一个用户的文件夹所占的空间特别大,大约1.2GB;可是其他不常登陆的只有10MB左右,这是怎么回事?
   Windows XP为每个用户都设置了各自的文件夹,把登录用户在使用过程中的操作都记录下来,同时也产生各自的临时文件,上网缓存文件,安装软件时产生的共用文件(软 件中共用),所以常登录的用户文件夹必然很大。把临时文件与上网的缓存文件删除可以省出很多空间。
  36、如何消除Windows XP的文档保护功能
  怎样消除Windows XP的文档保护功能?
   为了完全消除Windows文档保护功能,打开注册表编辑器,设置键值:HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon,将SFCDisable的键值设置为 0xFFFFFF9D即可
a 100
mov ax,301
mov bx,1000
mov cx,1
mov dx,80
int 13
g=100 10e

How to Change a Windows XP Product Key

This article describes how to change the Windows XP product key after a Volume Licensing installation. You can use the Windows Activation Wizard graphical user interface (GUI) or a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) script. The Activation Wizard method is easier, but if you must change the product key for multiple computers, the script method is better.

  1. Click start in the bottom left corner, then click run.
  2. Type 'Regedit' in the white text field, and click OK. This should open the Registry Editor.
  3. Navigate to the following registry key.
    • Hkey_local_machine\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents
  4. Right click 'OOBETimer', in that registry key that you just navigated to and then click 'Modify'.
  5. Change one or more digits to anything random.
  6. Click start and then click run.
  7. Paste '%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a', in the white text field,.
  8. Select 'Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows', then click next.
  9. Click Change Product key.
  10. Type the new product key into the small white text fields and then click update.
  11. Check that you get a message similar to 'Thank you for activating Windows XP', if you do, restart your computer, and you're done!

Monday, March 3, 2008

How to create a Rescue Disk on a Dell system

If you're reading this, you already know there are problems trying to make a Rescue Disk from a Dell-supplied OEM Windows XP installation disk. There are several reasons the process fails with Dell disks: 1) One or more of the Registry files on the Dell installation disk isn't compatible with this operation; 2) There are files in the installed PEBuilder folder on the hard drive that need to be deleted and/or replaced -- but they're write-protected by default, so any attempt to delete them or copy over them gives an error message; 3) Some of the driver files that the Rescue Disk normally looks for on startup are missing.

Bits and pieces of help are strewn throughout various forums on the Web -- an add-on file here, a suggestion there -- but typically the response is the same: "I tried that but it still doesn't work." Nowhere is the entire solution presented in one place in step-by-step fashion. Yes, there is a solution. Despite the posts that say it's impossible, it actually *can* be done!

The workaround resolves the above issues by: 1) Using as a source, Windows installation files that have been copied to the hard disk, where they can be modified, rather than using the installation CD itself, which can't be written to; 2) Un-protecting the files in the PEBuilder folder that need to be deleted or overwritten; and 3) Preventing the Rescue Disk from looking for the missing driver files (that you don't need anyway).

So here goes. I'm sure there will be special situations that the following steps don't cover, but hopefully most Dell users will find this helpful:

I. Copy the Dell Windows Installation CD to the hard drive

Some files on the disk need to be modified. Since the disk isn't writable, you need to copy the entire contents of the disk to the hard drive, where the files *can* be overwritten. This location, rather than the CD, will be used as the "Source" of the installation files.

To do this, open My Computer, right-click on the CD drive icon, then click "Copy", then right-click on the root C:\ directory and click "Paste".

II. Download the latest version of PEBuilder. (As of this writing, it's v. 3.1.3. The link provided in the Kaspersky 7.0 popup actually takes you to an older version -- Version 3.1.3. can be found at:

(You'll probably want to choose the self-installing version, which requires fewer steps than the ZIP version.)

III. Double-click on the pebuilder313.exe file you just downloaded, and install the program to the root C:\ directory as prompted. (Bart Lagerweij, the developer of PEBuilder, recommends it not be installed to "Program Files", "My Documents", or any other sub-folder of C:\ .

IV. Obtain three necessary "helper" files (described below) and save them all to a temporary storage directory of your choice. Later, you'll copy them to the locations where they actually belong. I wish I could say I wrote even one of those files, but they're all the product of others' time and talent.

A. First file:

1. Find it at:

It has a link about halfway down the page. If you can't find it, use Edit|Find and search the page for "fix dell" (don't forget the space).

2. Save the file to your designated storage directory. If using IE, click the link, then click Save (not Open). If using Firefox, right-click the link and click "Save link as...". (Don't directly click the link, or the file will simply open with nonsense characters.)

B. Second file: Fixdell.cmd

I couldn't find this file on the Web as a download, but here's the code. Copy-and-paste the following into a *PLAIN-TEXT* editor like Notepad (*not* a word-processor like MS-Word or WordPerfect). Save the file under the name "fixdell.cmd". To do that, in the "Save As" dialog box, put the name (including extension) in *quotes* to prevent the *.TXT" file extension from being automatically appended to the file name. (You don't want it to be called fixdell.cmd.txt) Save the file to your designated storage directory.

The code is:

================= (Don't copy this line)
REM Version 1.3
reg query HKU | find /i "pebuilder" > fixdell.txt
for /f %%a in (fixdell.txt) do reg unload %%a
reg load HKLM\DELL
subinacl /subkeyreg hkey_local_machine\dell\controlset001\services\iastor\ /objectcopysecurity=hkey_local_machine\dell\controlset001\services
reg unload HKLM\DELL
del fixdell.txt
del /ah
echo Check output to see if there are any errors.
================= (Don't copy this line)

C. Third file: subinacl.exe (Downloaded as subinacl.msi)

Find it at:;displaylang=en

Download subinacl.msi to your designated storage directory. You'll expand it later.

V. Now put the three helper files where they belong


This file creates a plugin for PEBuilder that tells the Rescue Disk not to look for certain driver files. If you omit this step, you might still make your way to burning a CD, but when you try to boot from it, you'll get an error message saying a particular file couldn't be found. (IASTOR.SYS, CERCSR6.SYS, and AFAMGT.SYS are a few examples), after which the boot process will simply terminate.

To install the plugin:

1. Launch pebuilder.exe

2. In the "Source" box, use the "..." button at the right to navigate to the folder where you copied the Dell Windows Installation disk. (You're actually not going to perform the Build operation at this point, but you can't do the next step unless you've designated a valid Source location.)

3. Click the "Plugins" button (which is now available).
4. Click the "Add" button
5. Navigate to the folder where you stored
6. Double-click the file, and click "Open"

7. Once the plugin is installed, use the following method to verify that it's current. (Some older versions of exist on the Web):

a. Navigate to the PEBuilder313\Plugin\fixdellxp folder. (If the folder doesn't exist, you didn't install the plugin correctly.)

b. Right-click on the file fixdellxp.inf, then click "Open" (*not* "Install"). It should look like this:

Signature= "$Windows NT$"

Name="Fix Dell Windows XP OEM boot problems"


If some of the "xxxx.sys=4,,4" lines are missing, you need to add them. (The safest way, to avoid typo's, is to copy-and-paste from the code above, or to copy-and-paste an already existing line and just change the name of the xxxxx.sys driver file.) When done, Save and close.

B. Fixdell.cmd

Copy this file, which you saved to your designated storage area, to the i386 subfolder of the location on the hard disk where you copied the Dell Windows Installation Disk files.

C. Subinacl.exe

The subinacl.msi file installs a file called subinacl.exe to a location that you designate. If you're interested in what subinacl.exe does, it's function is described on the Microsoft page you downloaded it from.

1. Double-click the file subinacl.msi, which you downloaded to your designated storage folder.

2. *DO NOT* accept the default installation location for subinacl.exe. Instead, navigate to the i386 subfolder of the hard disk location where you copied the Dell Windows Installation Disk files, and install it there.

VI. Un-protect the files in PEBuilder313 that need to be overwritten

The build process requires that certain files in PEBuilder be deleted and/or replaced by modified versions. Error messages at this point may include:

Error: loadKey() failed:
Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pathname\petmphive" failed
Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pathname\petmphive.log" failed
Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pathname\setuphiv" failed
Error: DeleteFile() "C:\pathname\setuphiv.log" failed

Another common error-message is that a file "can't be accessed because it is being used by another process." Yet when you examine all running processes, none of them has anything to do with those files. I scoured the Web but couldn't find a definitive explanation of why this was happening. This is the part I had to discover myself.

Actually, these files are *not* being used by any other process. They're just write-protected. This becomes a matter of setting Permissions. For those not familiar with Permissions in Windows XP, they're what determine users' rights to a particular file or folder -- anything from "read-only" to "full control."

To make the files accessible to being deleted or over-written:

A. Right-click the PEBuilder folder
B. Click "Properties"
C. Do you see where "Read-only" has a green check-mark? Ignore it! It's a decoy!
D. Click the Security tab on top
E. In the box labeled "Group or user names", CREATOR OWNER should be present. If it's not:
F. Click the "Add" button.
G. Click the "Advanced" button.
H. Click the "Find now" button.
I. In the list of users, double-click CREATOR OWNER
J. Click OK
K. Check the "Full control" box
I. Click the "Advanced" button
J. Check the box that says "Replace permission entries on all child objects etc."
K. OK and APPLY your way out.

VII. Execute the Fixdell.cmd file to replace the original Registry hive file with a Dell-compatible one

A. Navigate to the i386 subfolder of the location where you copied the Dell Windows Installation Disk files
B. Double-click the file "fixdell.cmd"
C. Inspect the output in the popup window to make sure there are no error messages.
D. If no errors, just hit Enter to close the Window.

VIII. If there's not already a subfolder under PEBuilder313 named "BartPE", create one.

IX. Put a blank CD or DVD in the drive. (You know we must be getting close!)

X. Launch Kaspersky

XI. Click Scan, then "Create a Rescue Disk"

(The following three steps assume your hard disk drive letter is C:)

XII. Set the "Installed PE Builder folder" to C:\pebuilder313\ (Don't type it in -- navigate to it with the "Browse" button.)

XIII. Set the "Output folder" to C:\pebuilder313\BartPE (Use "Browse")

XIV. Set the "Path to Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation CD" to the folder on the *hard disk* to which you copied the Dell Windows Installation files from the CD. (Again, use "Browse".) *Don't* use the CD drive.

XV. Click "Next" and follow the rest of the prompts. You should now be able to create a bootable Rescue Disk with Kaspersky available on it to scan your hard disk from the "outside".

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