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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Download Google Map use gMapMaker to creat for my N82

I'm happy to announce that gMapMaker, a tool by Damien Debin can now download map tiles in a format supported by MGMaps. You can get latest version 0.5 from, it's a self-extracting zip archive. UPDATE: You need to have .NET Framework v2.0 installed for the program to work.

The program is easy to use and has the functionality of the previous and scripts. It can only download map tiles from Google for now, but support for other sources will be added soon. To use it, follow these steps:
  1. If you had an older version of gMapMaker before installing v0.5, remove the folder "C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\gMapMaker"
  2. Install gMapMaker. When the installation is complete the application should start automatically.
  3. Choose one of the following two:
    1. batch download: Open your browser, navigate to, select the area you want to download. Click Generate and save the .map file on your computer. Back in gMapMaker, select "MGMaps mode, use a .map file" as the operating mode then click "Go" and select the .map file saved.
    2. single area: Enter the coords, select the zoom level and map type for the area to download. Make sure the cache folder path ends with "MGMapsCache". Make sure you have selected "MGMaps mode, use entered area" as the operating mode. Click "Go".
  4. When the download is ready, you'll find all the map tiles in the selected MGMapsCache folder. Just copy this folder with all its subfolders to your memory card and configure MGMaps to use it. Move the map in MGMaps to the area/zoom level you downloaded map tiles for - use Menu->Go To and enter the coordinates, zoom level and map type.
  5. The application can also use a set of proxies for satellite imagery download in order to avoid having your IP address temp-banned by Google (which happens if you download many satellite tiles in a short time).

Mobile GMaps - Installation for Nokia N95
Mobile GMaps is copyright © 2005-2007 by Cristian Streng (Thank you very much, your work is fantastic!!)
If there are any issues I will remove this page upon your request.
The Objectives :

Download and install Mobile Gmaps to your Nokia N95
Download map tiles and configure Mobile Gmaps to use them as "stored maps"


You have a Nokia N95 (lol, sorry, it had to be said.. :D)
This is the first attempt at installing Mobile Gmaps and stored maps (eg. not previously installed)
You are running Windows XP SP2 as the OS for which you will be executing the perl script and downloading map tiles
The PC you are using to download the map tiles has a native internet connection and does not rely on the use of a proxy
The microSD memory card in your phone has sufficient free space for the stored maps
You know how to establish a connection between your N95 and your PC (bluetooth or USB cable), or
You know how to transfer files to your microSD memory card
You will use the software and process that follows to achieve the desired outcome
You understand english (If not, you've persisted well and are probably attracted by the pretty colours on the page while not understanding a word)

If "no" to any of the above, then it's possible "steps" will fail and this brief instruction will not cater for every alternative software or process. I can only say that the following worked for me and I took the points from the forums that "tripped" other people up. (lol @ the disclaimer of sorts...)

What you will
Need to Download:

N95 Alpha JAD File: mgmaps_n95-1_34_02-signed.jad (Current at the time of writing)
N95 Alpha JAR File: mgmaps_n95-1_34_02.jar (Current at the time of writing)
Perl Script: MapTileCacher.perl (current at the time of writing)
Perl for Windows: ActivePerl version
WGET: wget for Windows

Step 1
Installing Mobile GMaps:
Transfer the downloaded .JAD and .JAR files to the microSD memory card temporarily to install. In my example I have a folder called "installs" on the root of my memory card (E: )

Go to File Manager

Select the Memory Card and navigate to the folder you transferred the .JAD and .JAR too. (in my case "Installs"), you will then see the two files.

Ensure you install from the .JAD file and not the .JAR file. (This is crucial!). Check this by selecting "View Details" from the options menu.

When confirmed that you have the .JAD file, click ok and then select to open and continue the install.
Unless you really want to install the app to the phone memory, select the memory card instead and allow the installation to complete.

That completes the installation of Mobile GMaps (Yes, I like old school arcade games... Go Galaga!! :D)
Step 2
Installing Activeperl:
Install the previously downloaded version of Activeperl and accept all installation defaults except where directed.
Accept the license agreement (obviously)
Unless you really feel the need too, don't bother changing the default installation path
Don't display the release notes (we have more cooler things to do... :D)
Step 3
Copying wget:
Copy wget.exe that you previously downloaded, into C:\perl\bin (assuming you installed activeperl in the default location, otherwise change as appropriate.)
Step 4
Downloading Map Tiles:
Create a new folder on your PC (In my case C:\GMaps) and copy the previously downloaded MapTileCacher.perl file to it.
Rename the file extension from .perl to .pl. You should notice the .pl extension becomes associated with Activeperl
Execute perl script:
Double Click the file in explorer and you should get this window
Map Type:
Choose the map type you require. As in this example, type "GoogleMap" (without the quotation marks) NOTE: The input is case sensitive so do not enter "googlemap" else it will fail
Zoom Level:

For GoogleMap there are 20 zoom levels. Each representing various distances or resolutions, as follows...

Level - Distance
0 = 3000km
1 = 2000km
2 = 1000km
3 = 500km
4 = 200km
5 = 100km
6 = 50km
7 = 30km
8 = 20km
9 = 10km
10 = 3km
11 = 2km
12 = 1km
13 = 500m
14 = 200m
15 = 100m
16 = 50m
17 = 30
18 = 20
19 = 10m

Choose the zoom level from 0 - 20. I personally use level 15 or 16 for street detail and level 9 for main highway (long distances) detail. You also have the ability to get a number of different levels for the same area which allows you to zoom in or out to the levels your memory card has. For the sake of this test, just choose one, say zoom level 15.

Ok, now you need to define the area for which you want map tiles for. These coordinates are required to be entered in decimal degrees format. I personally recommend using the following tool that helped me considerably. Time for a small deviation...

Go to URL and navigate to the part of the world of interest to you. In my case, New Zealand, specifically a city called Lower Hutt in the bottom part of the North Island of New Zealand (Soon to be home of the America's cup and rugby world cup again, I hope! But I digress...)
Zoom in at the appropriate level of detail. Note that the zoom level represented here is what you can expect when the tiles are downloaded, so what you see here might influence your previous decision regarding the zoom level.
Top left:
Click the map at the upper left most part for the area you want. (You may wish to untick the automatically zoom in option. I found it a pain) It will add a red tear drop marker. Note the Latitude and Longitude values on the right hand side. Enter the numbers exactly as they are on the left side of the decimal point and 6 numbers on the right side of the decimal point.
eg. Latitude -41.1904103623711 would be represented as -41.190410
eg. Longitude 174.86303329467773 would be represented as 174.863033

Top Left entered as -41.190410, 174.863033
Bottom right:
Click the map at the lower right most part for the area you want. It will move the red tear drop marker. Note the Latitude and Longitude values on the right hand side. Enter the numbers exactly as they are on the left side of the decimal point and 6 numbers on the right side of the decimal point.
(as in the above example)

Bottom Right entered as -41.236898, 174.925518

Ready to Cache:

At this point the following information will be confirmed:
- Amount of tiles to be cached (in my case 49)
- Map Type (in my case GoogleMap)
- Zoom Level (in my case 15)

Press enter to continue and the download process will begin, as follows...

Depending on the area and zoom level, wget may take some time to complete, however, at the completion, the script will close and you should have a MGMapsCache folder in the root of the folder you executed the perl script from. In my case C:\GMaps\MGMapsCache\. Inside you should have a folder called GoogleMap_15. The number 15 relates to the zoom level selected so this may be different depending on what you chose.
Before upload the resulting files to your phone, you could potentially re-run the perl script and download map tiles of the same or a different area, at a different zoom level. I have done this as follows...
Top left and bottom right area covers my whole country (New Zealand) which admittedly is not big, but downloaded at a zoom level of 9 (10km) and this is great for when I am travelling the open road and wanting a resolution of towns and cities. I also reset my top left and bottom right to my home city of Wellington (greater Wellington region) at a zoom level of 16.
Now I have two folders in my MGMapsCache folder each representing the two zoom levels and area of coverage. Now when I move outside my main city I need to either zoom out to 10km or download more map tiles.

Step 5:
Transfer to Phone

Ok, so arguably the hard bit is done, now you just have to get it to the phone. For obvious reasons of size, you will be wanting to transfer these to the memory card
Either connect the phone to your PC via USB or bluetooth (for obvious reasons of speed, USB is preferred over bluetooth), or remove the memory card and insert into the PC via a media card reader/adapter. For the following, I am using a USB connection bewteen my N95 and PC.
Plug in your N95 via USB to your PC. If your N95 is set to ask on connection, select the mass storage mode.
Once the phone has been connected to the PC, evidence you can see it in explorer. Copy the folder C:\GMaps\MGMapsCache\ to the root of your memory card, as follows... (In my case, my memory card is labelled "Nokia 2GB" and the PC sees it as H: drive.

Your phone should reference the card as E: drive when it in the phone but when connected to the PC, this could be anything. When complete unplug the phone.
Step 6:
Stored Maps:

Open MGMaps, When asked whether to allow MGMaps to use the network, say no (so we can test our results with assurance)
Obviously as a result of the previous answer there are no map tiles. Go to the menu and select "Settings"
Select Map Browsing, then select/tick Stored Maps. (Also choose Offline Mode if this is desired)
Check the storage Path and ensure it is set to E:. Save the settings and exit the application.
Step 8:
Before you restart MGMaps, you will want to change some application preferences to prevent being nagged on application start
Go to tools and open the Application Manager
Navigate to Mobile GMaps and select "open"
Navigate to "Read user data" and select "Always allowed"
Save options and exit.
Now, assuming my instructions are correct and that you have followed them, you should be able to fire up Mobile GMaps and enjoy your downloaded map tiles.
Here is a portion of the area I cached at zoom level 15.
Here is the same point at zoom level 9

Wednesday, December 5, 2007




-o 70 16
-o 71 16

-o 70 11
-o 71 ff

-o 70 10
-o 71 10

-o 70 23
-o 71 34

-o 70 10
-o 71 ff

从硬件上也可清除CMOS密码,打开机器进行放电,具体方法是把里面的纽扣电池拆下来,反装上去2-3秒钟,或者查找主板上 是否有跳线可以清除CMOS,找到则直接插一下跳线。 就可以清除掉CMOS密码,当然如果有旧的ISA显卡或网卡,插在主板上,有的主板会自动进入BIOS,此时你只需重新设置新的密码就可。

有部分主板用万能密码也可进入BIOS,但老的机子不太行,有些AMI BIOS的通用密码是AMI,BIOS,PASSWORD,HEWITT RAND,AMISW,AMI_SW,LKWPETER,A.M.I;有些Award BIOS的通用密码是AWARD_SW,j262,HLT,SER,SKY_FOX,BIOSTAR,ALFAROME,lkwpeter,j256, AWARD?SW,LKWPPETER,Syxz,aLLy,589589,589721,awkard。



解决办法1:用系统盘启动,登录进恢复控制台,copy c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe userinit32.exe 重新启动就可以正常登录了。
原因是MSN FUNNY病毒把正常的userinit.exe给破坏了,并且把注册表里的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 下的Userinit 键值由C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe, 改成了C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit32.exe,


解决办法2:用操作系统的安装光盘启动计算机进故障恢复控制台,键入(以 Windows XP为例,如果你用的是 Windows 2000 请将以下命令行中的windows改成winnt):以下#开头的行为注释行

#创建一个临时目录 regTemp
md regtemp
cd system32
cd config
#复制system32\config 目录下的五个文件到到刚刚创建的临时目录
copy default \windows\regtemp\
copy sam \windows\regtemp\
copy security \windows\regtemp\
copy software \windows\regtemp\
copy system \windows\regtemp\
del default
del sam
del security
del software
del system
copy \windows\repair\default
copy \windows\repair\sam
copy \windows\repair\security
copy \windows\repair\software
copy \windows\repair\system





Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]



使用windows PE系统(推荐用“深山红叶winpe系统工具箱”)引导至光盘系统,运行其中的“强力系统修复 ERD 2003”,设置好系统目录,接着执行他下面的注册表编辑根据,找到[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon],在右边的窗口中将键值:UserInit的值改为:C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\userinit.exe,重新启动即可!
除了用安装光盘修复外,还可通过局域网联机修复(远程修改注册表):如用pstools里的psexec.exe执行Psexec.exe \\主机名 -u 管理员用户名 -p 密码 c:\windows\regedit -s d:\reg.reg

reg.reg 内容如下:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

1、将正常机下的 系统盘:\windows\system32\userinit.exe 拷贝至病机相应目录下;
同时检查:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon项下是否存在以下键值:键[Userinit](类型:“字符串值”)内容:“E:\ WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,”(注意:没有引号,且串中的E:为您的WINXP所在的盘符)

用系统盘启动,登录进恢复控制台,copy c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe userinit32.exe 重新启动就可以正常登录了。
原因是MSN FUNNY病毒把正常的userinit.exe给破坏了,并且把注册表里的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon 下的Userinit 键值由C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe, 改成了C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit32.exe,所以COPY以后,WINXP能找到这个登录处理程序从而成功登录。登录进系统后,重新把这个注册表键值恢复即可。


Learn to rebuild the Windows registry from DOS

It's amazing how many Windows problems are caused by a faulty registry, from Windows protection errors on startup to Windows hanging on shutdown. Severe problems resulting from severe registry damage may require a fresh install of Windows. But for most annoyances and anomalies caused by registry corruption, a quick rebuild will get you back to a smooth working system.

But what is the registry?
The registry is a database—an amalgam of two special files, SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT. These files are written to and edited much like any other database files, and just about any installation program will write to or edit them, although sometimes not as cleanly as we’d like. The "garbage in, garbage out" principle applies here, as well—except in the case of the registry, the "garbage out" seems to manifest itself as one or more Windows problems.

Third-party registry utilities
Before I begin describing the rebuilding process in detail, let me state that I know all about REGCLEAN and other Windows utilities that are supposed to cure registry ills. However, these programs work only if you can boot into Windows. Even then, Windows is using the very registry we're trying to clean. To me, this is like working on your car's engine while you're driving. Instead, we're going to clear things up another way. We're going to do it from DOS.
Warning: The following article involves editing your system registry. Using the Windows Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems requiring the reinstallation of your operating system. TechRepublic does not and will not support problems that arise from editing your registry. Use the Registry Editor and the following directions at your own risk.

The utility we're going to use is REGEDIT.EXE—the same REGEDIT that we use in Windows also runs as a DOS program. REGEDIT.EXE supports command line arguments that allow us to do a complete registry rebuild, while leaving the "dirt" and empty spaces behind. We'll eliminate the need to repetitively type commands by creating four batch files that you can carry with you and run from a floppy.
For the sake of simplicity, we'll assume that SYSTEM.DAT, USER.DAT, and REGEDIT.EXE reside in the C:\WINDOWS directory.

Step one: Remove the ReadOnly and Hidden attributes from SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT
The first step in rebuilding the Windows registry from DOS is to remove the ReadOnly, Hidden, and System attributes from the SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files. A batch file that allows you to toggle the attributes off and on at will (REGATT.BAT) looks like this:

@echo off

if not "%1"=="-" if not "%1"=="+" goto INSTRUCT
attrib %1r %1h %1s c:\windows\system.dat
attrib %1r %1h %1s c:\windows\user.dat
goto ENDIT
echo You must specify a - or + parameter, as in "%0 +" or "%0 -"

To use it, enter the command REGATT - or REGATT + to remove or add the file attributes, respectively.

Here's how REGATT.BAT works:
  • @echo off: Prevents the lines that follow from being displayed on the screen while the commands are being executed. The "@" prevents "echo off" from displaying.
  • if not "%1"=="-" if not "%1"=="+" goto INSTRUCT: This makes the batch file look for one parameter and limits the parameter choices to either "-" or "+." If neither is found, the script jumps to the INSTRUCT portion of the batch file. Note the use of the double "equals" signs (==).
  • attrib %1r %1h %1s c:\windows\system.dat: Runs the "attrib" command on SYSTEM.DAT with either "-r -h -s" or "+r +h +s," depending on the parameter.
  • attrib %1r %1h %1s c:\windows\user.dat: Runs the "attrib" command on USER.DAT the same as it does for SYSTEM.DAT.
  • goto ENDIT: Jumps over the INSTRUCT statement since all went well.
  • :INSTRUCT: Label that identifies this portion of the batch file.
  • echo.–: Prints a blank line on the screen. Note that there is no space between "echo" and "."
  • echo You must specify a - or + parameter, as in "%0 +" or "%0 -": Instructions for using the batch file. The %0 is a variable that is automatically replaced by DOS with the name of the batch file you typed on the command line. If you typed regatt in lower case, the line will read "You must specify a - or + parameter, as in regatt + or regatt -." If you change the name of the batch file to "wom.bat" and type WOM in upper case, it will read "You must specify a - or + parameter, as in WOM + or WOM -" without further editing. Neat, huh?
  • :ENDIT: Label that identifies this portion of the batch file.
  • echo.: Prints a blank line on the screen before returning to the prompt.

Step two: Create a backup of SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT
The rebuilding process effectively destroys the current registry. If the rebuild fails (I've seen it happen when the DAT files are badly corrupted), there will be no registry. Having a corrupted registry to restore is better than having no registry at all.
To make a backup, we simply copy the "unattribbed" SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files with REGBACK.BAT:

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto INSTRUCT
copy c:\windows\system.dat c:\windows\system.%1
copy c:\windows\user.dat c:\windows\user.%1
goto ENDIT
echo You must enter a 1 to 3 character file extension, as in "%0 sav"

Most of the lines in REGBACK.BAT are similar to those in REGATT.BAT. The three unique lines are:
  • if "%1"=="" goto INSTRUCT: This jumps to the INSTRUCT section if no parameter is given after the "regback" command. Without a parameter, the value of %1 is null, so the statement translates to if ""=="" goto INSTRUCT and, since double-quotes indeed equal double-quotes, the script jumps to give the user instructions.
  • copy c:\windows\system.dat c:\windows\system.%1: Copies SYSTEM.DAT to SYSTEM.parameter. Be sure to limit your parameter to three allowable DOS characters.
  • copy c:\windows\user.dat c:\windows\user.%1: Copies USER.DAT to USER.parameter as above.

Step three: Rebuilding the registry
DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN THESE COMMANDS UNLESS YOU HAVE MADE BACKUP COPIES OF SYSTEM.DAT AND USER.DAT! Remember, you will destroy the existing copy of the registry in the rebuilding stage. If the rebuild fails, so will you. Be sure you have your own backup.
REGREBLD.BAT looks like this:

@echo off
echo Exporting registry contents. Please wait...
regedit /l:c:\windows\system.dat /r:c:\windows\
user.dat /e c:\windows\newreg.reg

echo Rebuilding the Windows registry. Do not interrupt!
regedit /l:c:\windows\system.dat /r:c:\windows\
user.dat /c c:\windows\newreg.reg

del c:\windows\newreg.reg

REGREBLD.BAT takes no parameters. Here's what the crucial lines do:
  • echo Exporting registry contents. Please wait...: The REGEDIT "export" command displays no information while it's executing. This is a courtesy line to let you know that something is happening.
  • regedit /l:c:\windows\system.dat /r:c:\windows\user.dat /e c:\windows\newreg.reg: Exports the contents of the current registry to a file we'll call "newreg.reg." The "/l:" and "/r:" switches point to the exact paths of SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT, respectively. The "/e" switch is for "export" and "c:\windows\newreg.reg" is the name of the target file that is created during the process.
  • echo Rebuilding the Windows registry. Do not interrupt!: Another courtesy statement. Unlike the "export" command, the REGEDIT "create" command displays a progress counter. However, it doesn't state what it's creating, only that it’s importing.
  • regedit /l:c:\windows\system.dat /r:c:\windows\user.dat /c c:\windows\newreg.reg: Creates a new registry from the contents of "c:\windows\newreg.reg." The key here is the "/c" switch, for "create." As soon as it is encountered, the current SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT are destroyed as new files are created from the data in newreg.reg. If this process is interrupted, the new registry will be incomplete and, therefore, useless.
  • echo.: The progress counter that is displayed by REGEDIT does not have a carriage return. This statement forces one at the completion of the "create" process.
  • del c:\windows\newreg.reg: Deletes the now unnecessary newreg.reg data file. You can remove this line if you want to look at the contents of newreg.reg before you delete it manually.

The full export/create routine can be quite time-consuming, depending on the size and state of the current registry. I've seen it take anywhere from five minutes to over an hour to rebuild the registry on desktop PCs. I don't recommend using it on laptops. If the rebuilding is successful (and most of the time it is), you won't need the next step.

Step four: Restoring a failed rebuild
Step four involves returning the registry to its previous state in the event a failed rebuild leaves you without working SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files. We'll call this batch file REGRET.BAT. Remember the extension you used when creating your backups? You'll need it here:

@echo off
if "%1"=="" goto INSTRUCT
if not exist c:\windows\system.%1 goto NOFILE
if not exist c:\windows\user.%1 goto NOFILE
attrib -r -h -s c:\windows\system.dat
attrib -r -h -s c:\windows\user.dat
del c:\windows\system.dat
del c:\windows\user.dat
copy c:\windows\system.%1 c:\windows\system.dat
copy c:\windows\user.%1 c:\windows\user.dat
goto ENDIT
echo Cannot locate one or more of your "%1" backup files!
echo Please verify your file extension and try again.
goto ENDIT
echo You must give a valid backup file extension, as in "%0 ext"

REGRET.BAT runs by entering “regret ext” at the prompt, where “ext” is the extension you used when creating your backups. If the ext files aren’t found, REGRET tells you. All of the REGRET commands are similar to ones we've used in the previous batch files. Note that after we delete the failed SYSTEM.DAT and USER.DAT files, we copy the backups to the DATs as opposed to renaming the backups. I never feel comfortable deleting critical backup files until I'm absolutely sure they won't be needed again. Delete them manually when you are comfortable.

Use what you’ve learned
Now that you have your batch files, go ahead and try them on a sick system. Boot the PC to a true DOS "Safe mode command prompt only" and run the files from a floppy. If you make the floppy bootable, be sure that you have an AUTOEXEC.BAT that contains a path statement pointing to C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND. A successful rebuilding of the registry will solve many of your "mysterious" Windows problems, including many Windows protection errors.


1. gpedit.msc-----组策略
2. sndrec32-------录音机
3. Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器
4. explorer-------打开资源管理器
5. logoff---------注销命令
6. tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令
7. lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组
8. services.msc---本地服务设置
9. oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活
10. notepad--------打开记事本
11. cleanmgr-------垃圾整理
12. net start messenger----开始信使服务
13. compmgmt.msc---计算机管理
14. net stop messenger-----停止信使服务
15. conf-----------启动netmeeting
16. dvdplay--------DVD播放器
17. charmap--------启动字符映射表
18. diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序
19. calc-----------启动计算器
20. dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序
21. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查
22. devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器
23. regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行
24. drwtsn32------ 系统医生
25. rononce -p ----15秒关机
26. dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息
27. regedt32-------注册表编辑器
28. Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序
29. rsop.msc-------组策略结果集
30. mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况
31. regedit.exe----注册表
32. winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天
33. progman--------程序管理器
34. winmsd---------系统信息
35. perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序
36. winver---------检查Windows版本
37. sfc /scannow-----扫描错误并复原
38. taskmgr-----任务管理器(2000/xp/2003
39. winver---------检查Windows版本
40. wmimgmt.msc----打开windows管理体系结构(WMI)
41. wupdmgr--------windows更新程序
42. wscript--------windows脚本宿主设置
43. write----------写字板
44. winmsd---------系统信息
45. wiaacmgr-------扫描仪和照相机向导
46. winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天
47. mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况
48. Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序
49. mplayer2-------简易widnows media player
50. mspaint--------画图板
51. mstsc----------远程桌面连接
52. mplayer2-------媒体播放机
53. magnify--------放大镜实用程序
54. mmc------------打开控制台
55. mobsync--------同步命令
56. dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息
57. drwtsn32------ 系统医生
58. devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器
59. dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序
60. diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序
61. dcomcnfg-------打开系统组件服务
62. ddeshare-------打开DDE共享设置
63. dvdplay--------DVD播放器
64. net stop messenger-----停止信使服务
65. net start messenger----开始信使服务
66. notepad--------打开记事本
67. nslookup-------网络管理的工具向导
68. ntbackup-------系统备份和还原
69. narrator-------屏幕“讲述人”
70. ntmsmgr.msc----移动存储管理器
71. ntmsoprq.msc---移动存储管理员操作请求
72. netstat -an----(TC)命令检查接口
73. syncapp--------创建一个公文包
74. sysedit--------系统配置编辑器
75. sigverif-------文件签名验证程序
76. sndrec32-------录音机
77. shrpubw--------创建共享文件夹
78. secpol.msc-----本地安全策略
79. syskey---------系统加密,一旦加密就不能解开,保护windows xp系统的双重密码
80. services.msc---本地服务设置
81. Sndvol32-------音量控制程序
82. sfc.exe--------系统文件检查器
83. sfc /scannow---windows文件保护
84. tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令
85. tourstart------xp简介(安装完成后出现的漫游xp程序)
86. taskmgr--------任务管理器
87. eventvwr-------事件查看器
88. eudcedit-------造字程序
89. explorer-------打开资源管理器
90. packager-------对象包装程序
91. perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序
92. progman--------程序管理器
93. regedit.exe----注册表
94. rsop.msc-------组策略结果集
95. regedt32-------注册表编辑器
96. rononce -p ----15秒关机
97. regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行
98. regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll------取消ZIP支持
99. cmd.exe--------CMD命令提示符
100. chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查
101. certmgr.msc----证书管理实用程序
102. calc-----------启动计算器
103. charmap--------启动字符映射表
104. cliconfg-------SQL SERVER 客户端网络实用程序
105. Clipbrd--------剪贴板查看器
106. conf-----------启动netmeeting
107. compmgmt.msc---计算机管理
108. cleanmgr-------垃圾整理
109. ciadv.msc------索引服务程序
110. osk------------打开屏幕键盘
111. odbcad32-------ODBC数据源管理器
112. oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活
113. lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组
114. logoff---------注销命令
115. iexpress-------木马捆绑工具,系统自带
116. Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器
117. fsmgmt.msc-----共享文件夹管理器
118. utilman--------辅助工具管理器
119. gpedit.msc-----组策略





3.格式:DIR [盘符][路径][/P][/W]
4. 使用说明:/P的使用;当欲查看的目录太多,无法在一屏显示完屏幕会一直往上卷,不容易看清,加上/P参数后,屏幕上会分面一次显示23行的文件信息,然后暂停,并提示;Press any key to continue

Proceed with Format (Y/N)?
Insert mew diskette for drive A;
and press ENTER when ready…
(3)选用[/S]参数,将把DOS系统文件IO.SYS 、MSDOS.SYS及COMMAND.COM复制到磁盘上,使该磁盘可以做为DOS启动盘。若不选用/S参数,则格式化后的磙盘只能读写信息,而不能做为启动盘;

1.功能:将当前驱动器上的DOS系统文件IO.SYS,MSDOS.SYS和COMMAND.COM 传送到指定的驱动器上。
*使用说明:如果磁盘剩余空间不足以存放系统文件,则提示:No roomfor on destination disk.

七) COPY文件复制命令
3.格式:COPY [源盘][路径]〈源文件名〉[目标盘][路径][目标文件名]
(9)利用COPY命令,还可以从键盘上输入数据建立文件,格式如下:COPY CON [盘符:][路径]〈文件名〉;

八) REN――文件改名命令


十) DEL——删除文件命令
(4)若要删除磁盘上的所有文件(DEL*·*或DEL·),则会提示:(Arey ou sure?)(你确定吗?)若回答Y,则进行删除,回答N,则取消此次删除作业。


 注册表编辑器不仅可以在Windows下运行使用,还可以在MS-DOS命令行模式下运行。注意,这里说的“MS-DOS”指的是纯MS-DOS,不是在Windows下运行的仿真MS-DOS模式,你可以在启动时按F8键,在出现的启动菜单中选择“Command prompt only”模式,或者在Windows下从“开始”菜单中选择“关闭系统”,然后选择“重新启动计算机并切换到MS-DOS方式”即可进入纯MS- DOS。
  MS-DOS下注册表编辑器虽然没有Windows下那样强大,但也有它的独到之处。比如当系统出现问题无法启动 Windows的时候,它的作用就体现出来了。首先说明一下,注册表的实际物理文件为System.dat和User.dat,也就说注册表中的数据保存在这两个文件中。明白了这一点之后,下面让我们来看看MS-DOS下的注册表编辑器到底有哪些作用。
  Regedit /L:system /R:user /E filename.reg Regpath
  /L:system和/R:user参数为可选项,如果缺省,那么注册表编辑器认为是对Windows目录下的system.dat和User.dat 进行操作。但是如果你从软盘开始启动,那么必须使用/L和/R参数来指定System.dat和User.dat文件的具体路径,否则注册表编辑器将无法找到它们。
  Regedit /L:C:\Windows\ /R:C\Windows\Profiles\ /e file1.reg HKEY_CLASSER_ROOT
  大多数情况,我们只是需要导出默认目录下的所有注册表项目,命令格式:Regedit /e Allfile.reg
  Regedit /L:system /R:user file.reg
  如果将上一个例子中导出的file1.reg中的内容导入到C:\Windows\System.dat和C:\Windows\Profiles\ User.dat中,命令如下:Regedit /L:C:\Windows\ /R:C:\Windows\Profile\ file1.reg
  Regedit /L:system /R:user /C file.reg
  Regedit /L:C:\Windows\ /R:C:\Windows\Profiles\ /C file1.reg
  Regedit /L:system /R:user /D REGPATH
  如果我们要将注册表中的HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrenVersion\ Run分支删除,命令如下:Regedit /L:C:\Windows\ /R:C:\Windows\Profiles\ /D HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrenVersion\Run
  Scanreg /backup /restore /comment /fix
  如果我们要查看所有的备份文件及同备份有关的部分,命令如下:Scanreg /restore /comment
  如果注册表有问题,也可以用Scanreg来修复,命令如下:Scanreg /fix。

Sunday, December 2, 2007



风险级别 一般

病毒简述 此蠕虫可能是在用户访问恶意网站时被暗中下载的。





受其影响的系统包括:Windows NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003

病毒清除方法 识别恶意文件

1. 使用趋势科技反病毒产品扫描您的计算机。

2. 注意所有被检测为WORM_NSPM.JS的文件的路径和文件名。



用于Windows NT, 2000, XP, Server 2003系统


1. 将您的Windows安装盘插入光驱中。

2. 按下您计算机的重启按钮。

3. 重启后,按下任意键以从光盘启动

4. 主菜单出现后,输入r以启动恢复控制台。


5. 启动后,输入您的管理员密码以便登陆。

6. 进入控制台后,在出现的命令行中输入您安装Windows的盘符,然后敲击回车。

7. 输入Windows安装所在的盘符,敲击回车。

8. 输入以下命令并敲击回车:

del %System%\wincab.sys

(注意:%System%是Windows系统目录,在Windows 98和ME上通常是C:\Windows\System,在Windows NT和2000上通常是C:\WINNT\System32,在Windows XP, Server 2003上通常是C:\Windows\System32)

9. 对以下文件重复以上流程。

del %System%\kavo.exe

10. 对前面检测到的所有文件重复以上流程。

11. 输入exit以便重启系统。



1. 打开注册表编辑器。点击开始>运行,输入REGEDIT,按Enter

2. 在左边的面板中,双击HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run

3. 在右边的面板中,找到并删除项目数据值

kava = "%System%\kavo.exe"

4. 在左边的面板中,双击HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Services

5. 还是在左边的面板中,找到并删除项目数据值


6. 关闭注册表编辑器



1. 在注册表编辑器的左边面板中,双击HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Microsoft> Windows>CurrentVersion>Explorer>Advanced>Folder>Hidden>SHOWALL

2. 在右边面板中,找到

CheckedValue = "0"

3. 右击它并选择修改,将其值改为


4. 关闭注册表编辑器


1. 右键点击“开始”然后点击“搜索…”或“寻找…”,取决于您所运行的系统。

2. 在Name输入框中输入:


3. 在Look In下拉菜单中,选择一个磁盘,然后按下回车。

4. 选择此文件,用Notepad打开。

5. 检查文件中是否有以下内容:






6. 如果存在以上内容,删除此文件。

7. 对其他磁盘中的AUTORUN.INF重复3-6步。

8. 关闭搜索结果窗口。

重要Windows ME/XP清除说明

运行Windows ME和XP的用户必须禁用系统还原,从而可以对受感染的系统进行全面扫描。


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