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Monday, March 15, 2010

How to use Kaspersky Free after 30 days trial period ?

Kaspersky is one of the top security software providing best protection to your data from latest Viruses, worms, phishing attacks, malware, etc. I’ve now found a 100% working trick, using which one can use Kaspersky Antivirus 2010 and Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 after end of its 30 days trail for Free.

Follow the steps below carefully to do it:

1. Open Kaspersky settings > Options and uncheck Enable Self-Defense. Click Ok.

2. Exit Kaspersky.

3. Go to Start, open Run, then type regedit and press enter.

4. Under Registry Editor, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Kaspersky Lab > protected > AVP9 > environment.


5. Find the entry ProductStatus and change Release to Beta.

6. Press OK then open Kaspersky.

7. Under License, Activate beta license then press Next and Finish (Delete any trial keys first if any, as they wont work).

8. Re-enable Self-Defense from options.

activated kaspersky

9. Now you have 30 days of beta license activated. After every 30 days, simply click Activate Beta (delete the expired beta key first) and enjoy another 30 days Free :D

Kaspersky will now show as Beta Version though it is your final version only. Enjoy!

How To Disable Kaspersky Antivirus Self Defense

Article from

The new function implemented by Kaspersky antivirus called the self defense is used to prevent unauthorized access to the Anti-Virus files.This self defense security option has now been extended with protection against auto clickers beginning from version The main problem with the Kaspersky self defense is that it denies remote access to the Anti-Virus interface via programs like Radmin,PCAnywhere, WinVNC, UltraVNC because these software's have mechanism similar to auto-clickers.So you will have to disable self defense option in Kaspersky Antivirus or Kaspersky Internet Security in order to use these remote access softwares.

How to Disable Self Defense Option of Kaspersky

Inorder to disable selfdefense option locally you just need to take the settings of Kaspersky antivirus and and select the ‘options’ menu as shown below.

Kaspersky settings option

(version is Kaspersky antivirus 2010)

Kaspersky self defense disable

In the options menu,you can see a Enable self defense option.Uncheck it.

Click Apply and OK.

Now your Kaspersky self defense is disabled.

If you want to remove or disable self defense remotely (via the policy)


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